My 4th of July was restored as Takeshu Kobayashi fought through the pain of "jawthritis" and indeed appeared at Coney Island's beloved hot-dog eating competition yesterday and he came to play! Breaking the world record of 59 1/2 hot dogs recently set by American competitive eater Joey Chestnutt, Kobayashi worked through the pain to eat 63 'dogs. Well...almost. At the end of the competition, with Chestnutt seemingly only half a hot-dog ahead of the Japanese wonder, Kobayashi ralphed the afternoon's eatings into his clasped hands, only to shove it back in and eaten once again! GROSS! While visions of Lard Ass from "Stand By Me" danced in my head, Joey Chestnutt brought the mustard belt home with an earth-shattering 66 hot dogs eaten in a 12 minute period of time.
While we're speaking about gorging one-self, check out Pearl Jam's new release, Live at The Gorge. It's a gut-busting 7 CD set taped at 2 book-ended shows from last year's tour. Narsty!
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