Catch a Wave on July 4 Despite the Weatherman's Blues

Forecasts for this year's national b-day call for rain. Bummer. Nothing like a good mid-week, hump-day vakay than sitting in your house watching the rain fall like God's special tears when all you wanna do is lounge on the white (yeah right!) sands of those beaches surrounding NYC. Coney Island's hot-dog face-stuffing contest won't even be the same ever since Kobayashi declared he had to bow out due to arthritis of the jaw.
So what can I do to cure my impending case of the gloomies? Aside from imbuing lots and lots of ecstacy-laced sangria, I will also pop in the new Beach Boys compilation, The Warmth of The Sun.
So why this comp above all the umpteen others, you ask?
Well, this one includes stuff you wouldn't normally find (along with stuff you normally would, like "Catch a Wave" and "409"). Culled from their '70s albums when everyone was irrationally consumed with what a basket-case Brian Wilson had become, songs like "Forever" (I always thought this was written for John Stamos on Full House, d'oh)and "Cool, Cool Water" showcase the beautiful maturity the Beach Boys had sustained (albeit, almost universally ignored).
Check out another gem here with "Sail On, Sailor".
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