Sly Reincarnated as Chris Marsol

In the absence of Sly (who I never really think will come back, or SHOULD come back), we now have Chris Marsol, who stands for much of the same tenets of racial harmony. Moreover, the sound of Sly's heyday relives in Chris Marsol's soul-tinged rock. It's funky, it's fresh, and you can hear it down below.
Chris Marsol, who has been steadily gaining popularity all over the Bay Area and throughout California at quantum speed, brings forth yet another musical masterpiece to feed the masses. He puts a much-needed spin on what is "rock", bringing the rock lover, the soul lover and the pop music lover together in one blissful Technicolor orgy, celebrating life and music outside the lines of race, creed and color. Embracing his roots and the melting pot that is the Bay Area, Marsol chimes out heartfelt, cutting edge melodies over rock guitars, along with slaps of the hi hat and pounds of the drums. Having written, arranged and produced Butterflys, Lipstick and Hand Grenades, he has meshed his dynamic vocals and edgy material. Chris Marsol and his band take us on an elemental roller coaster ride, climaxing at the peak of diversity and raw talent, then bringing us back full circle to a hard core but more enlightened reality. With innovative songwriting and memorable tunes, this album is genuine and truly a unique work of art.
Let Me Jump
She Don't Care
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