
Whoa Little Doggies

His name is Cavalier King, not to be confused with the Cavalier King Spaniel, those rangly little mutts with the floppy ears and wet noses, shedding everywhere. (Ok, I confess, I'm not a dog person). I am, however, a MUSIC person, and Cavalier King the human fits that bill. Actually, it's not too snug a fit, as I find him a bit whiney about the state of the world, but I'm a lover of sarcasm at heart so I can embrace the darkside, especially when sporting a guitar. I would like to just buy him an ice cream cone (even adorned with rainbow jimmies, if he's so inclined), pat his head, and tell him it will all be alright. Sigh, how dreamy. Decide for yourselves, folks.

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